Saturday, 23 November 2013


Sports Punjabi people have fanatical interest in sports games being played in chumbi include Gulli-Danda, , Yassu-Panju, Pitho-Garam, Ludo, Chuppan-Chupai, Kanchy and some major sports include cricket, and volleyball. There is no proper playground in chumbi children use to play in streets.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013



Weddings are based on traditions and are conducted with strong reflection of the culture followed by several pre-wedding customs and rituals. Weddings are very loud, energetic, and full of music, colors, fancy-dresses, food and dancing. weddings have many customs and ceremonies that have evolved since traditional times traditional customs and the ceremony generally lasts for 3days, Mehndi, Barat (Nikkah+Ruksati) and Walima, followed by BAIOADHA (bringing the bride back to her parents’ home the next day)

Birth Rituals

Birth Rituals

Punjabis celebrate birth of their child with great enthusiasm. Some respected elder member from the family puts honey with their index finger in child’s mouth called Ghutii. Sweets are distributed. Generally on 7thday child’s head is shaven.

Customs and Rituals

Customs and Rituals

Although Chumbi is Muslim village some of the customs followed by people in Chumbi have no foundation in Islam. However, as we are Punjabi the Punjabi culture has adopted those ceremonies and traditions from Hindu culture.