Monday, 5 May 2014


1: In any habitat, one organism depends upon just one other organism for food. Do you agree? Justify.

Ans. In any habitat one organism may depend upon more than one organism for food. For example;

2: What do you observe about top carnivores of following food chains?
Ans. Top carnivores eat other animals but are not eaten themselves. After death, their dead bodies are eaten by scavengers and then decomposed by decomposers.
3: What is role of decomposers in a food chain? OR                                                       What happens to the dead body of donkey after death?
Ans. Dead bodies of lion, tiger, leopard, etc. are first exposed to scavengers. Scavengers eat meat of these dead bodies and reduce them to small pieces. These small pieces are decomposed by decomposers. Decomposers nourish themselves and also add nutritional substances to soil. Thus increase its fertility.
4: Decomposers support natural recycling process. What do you think about it?
Ans. Decomposers decompose the dead bodies of animals and plants and add the nutrients (present in animals and plants body) to soil that can be reused by other living organisms.
5: We use to add garbage and other waste to soil. But with time we do not find as we left.  What do you think where does it go?
Ans. What do you observe in the following?

6:  Define the term Food Web?
Ans. In a habitat many food chains interlink and form a food web.
7: Tropical rain forest food chains are rather complicated than that of desert. Do you agree? Justify.
Ans. Rainforest is a habitat of thousands of kinds of plants and animals provided with all basic needs of life therefore food webs become complicated. But life in a desert is harder, so a few kinds of plants and animals cause simple food webs.

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