Monday, 2 June 2014


         Man has not been created to eat, drink and die. He can dive deep oceans and climb mountain high. Life can neither be squandered in trivialities nor wasted in formalities. Every opportunity must be utilized and every faculty must be realized. It requires cherished aims and
vaulting ambitions. An aimless man is no better than a rudderless boat, sailing hither and thither at the mercy of winds that can turn it upside down or take it t unspecific shores. On the contrary, an ambitious fellow is just like a steam engine, not seeking the favor of winds, but dashing o and on towards its goal, faster than fairies, faster than witches, over mountains and valleys, deserts and bridges.
      When a man is fired and spurred by ambition, his scattered interests and energies ate accumulated and he performs such incredible deeds of valor, as are undreamt of by an ordinary man.
The miraculous functioning of ambition can easily be witnessed from the lives of all great heroes of the world. Their towering ambitions were the only guiding force, with which they paddled through the dark whirl pools of incredible catastrophes and untold miseries to the shore of victory and immortality. Had not been Jinnah been ambitious, how could he win freedom for us, despite his falling health and conspiracies of Hindus and their imperialistic masters? Had not Helen Keller been ambitious, how could she become a model of fortitude and persistence, despite of her double handicap? Similarly, Bethoven was born and bred amidst the most deplorable conditions, but his formidable ambition made him greatest musician, the world has ever known.
     The only ambitions of true lovers are to achieve eternal union with their beloved. When they are overpowered by it, they perform unbelievable deeds. Thus we find the ambitions and passionate Juliet, lying for three days and three nights, in a dark grave infested with worms and badgers. We see ambitious Farhad, digging o and on until he discovers a stream of milk from barren rocks. Thus no hindrance and stumbling block can check their towering ambitions and they achieved their aim, in the next world, if not in this world.
      The enviable control over the forces and resources of nature and the startling explorations of the modern man in the field of science and technology, that have made our lives so comfortable, so luxurious and so secure, are all the wonders of ambition. The ambition of flying like birds resulted in the invention of supersonic and jet planes. The desire to find new worlds, enthralled the explores to find new continents, to ransack the oceans and to conquered the space. “No aim no fame” says an eminent scholar, for the real glory can be achieved without ambition. Only an ambitious climber can reach the summits of the Himalayas.
       We all know that the greatest ambition of a true Muslim should be the attainment of the good will of God and the miracles resulting form this ambition can be witnessed from the lives of all Prophets Abraham, jumping into huge fire of the infidel king, while wisdom stands stunned and dumbfounded on the rooftop.
     We see prophets Muhammad (Salallah ho Alai hay Wa Aa lay he wa salum) being ruthlessly tortured by his opponents and giving up his noble cause. We see Hazrat Bilal, being trampled on the burning sand of Arabia and yet declaring “God is one” God is one” .Such noble virtuous souls, who undergo the worst types of tortures and agony for the sake of their aim, are the one who attained their immortality not only in this world but also in world hereafter. We on the earth are proud to cherish their memories while the angels of heaven are proud to be their hosts. 
       Today, the lives of most of us are dull, dreary and monotonous. It is only because, we are like chainless camels, wondering here and there in the desert. If at all, we have aims, they are low, petty and selfish. Let us then break this stagnation of aimlessness and devote our lives to higher and still higher aims. Let’s decide all our energies and faculties for the achievement of these aims, whatever the cost may be. Let’s determine:
The World is dark without,
With enmity, mystery and doubt,
But we must go,
Though we do not know,
What mark we shall leave upon the snow,

And what terrible storm might blow. 

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