Thursday, 1 May 2014

Unit 3 class 5th

Unit   3                        class 5th
1 Where reproductions occur?
Ans  Reproduction occurs in flowers.
2 When seeds are formed?
Ans  Seeds are formed during reproduction.
3 What is a cotyledon?
Ans  A cotyledon is a small leaf inside the seed. It supplies food t the embryo of plant inside the seed.
4 What is seed coat or testa?
Ans  The outer covering of the seed is a  tough and hard is called seed coat or testa.
5 What is micropyle?
Ans There is a hole in the testa for the absorption of water.this hole is called micropyle.
6 What is embryo?

Ans Inside the seed, there is a tiny plant called embyo.
7 Name the parts of embryo.
Ans Radical, plumule and cotyledons.
8 What is the shape of corn or maize seed?
Ans Maize or corn seed is oval in shape.
9 From where monocot’s embryo get their food?
Ans Monocot’s embryo gets their food from endosperm.
10 Where is plumule present in a corn seed?
Ans   its plumule is present towards the broad end.
11 Where is radicle lies in corn seed?
Ans Radicle lies towards the pointed end.
12 Define germination.
Ans The growth of a new tiny plant from the embryo in the seed is called germination.
13 Which part starts the growth first?
Ans The radical starts growing first and makes the main root.
14 Which conditions are necessary for germination of seed?
Ans Water, temperature and air.
15 Why water is required?
Ans Water dissolves the food stored in seed so that it can reach the plumule and also helps the seed coat to burst
16 Why suitable temperature is required?
Ans  Suitable temperature is necessary for the chemical reactions that occur within seeds.
17  At what temperatures most seeds germinate?
Ans  Most seeds germinate at temperature between 10c and 35c.
18 When cherry seeds germinate?
Ans  Cherry seeds germinate if they are kept at 5c for 16 weeks.
19 Why air is required?
Ans   During germination the cells of embryo are very active and need energy. They get energy by doing respiration. For respiration oxygen is required. Air present among soil particles provides  this oxygen
20 What is meant by radical and plumule?
Ans  A radical is actually a tiny root while a plumule is actually a tiny shoot.
21 How sown bean seed grows in soil?
Ans When a bean seed is sown in soil,it absorbs water and swells.the radice starts growing and makes the main root.
22 How do the leaves start making food?
Ans  Leaves absorb sunlight and start making food.
23 What is meant by conditions foe seed germination?
Ans  Seeds have some requirements to germinate. We call such requirements as conditions for seed germination.
24 What is the difference between monocot and dicot?
Ans  Monocot has one cotyledon while dicot has two cotyledons.

Unit 3        class 5th         science
1)the outer covering of seed is tough and hard, it is called:
Ans)seed coat.
2)the small hole present in the testa for the absorption of water, is called :
3)inside the seed, there is a tiny plant called:
4)the parts of the embryo are a)radical b)plumule c)cotyledons d)all above
Ans)all above.
5)from which part of the embryo a shoot is developed?
6)the number of cotyledons present in the bean seed are
7)the cotyledon supplies ----------------- to embryo of plant inside the seed.
9)the shape of the maize seed is.
10)which one of the following plants is a monocot?
11)in the maize seed, food is sorted in the:
12)the pointed portion in the diagram is called:
13)the growth of anew tiny plant from the embryo in the seed is called.
14)when a bean seed is sown in the soil which part of the embryo grows first?
15)root burst through:
16)which part from the followings absorbs water from the soil?
17)in the maize seed cotyledon provides food to a)root b)shoot c)leaves d)both a) and b).
Ans)both a) and b).
18)which part of the plant absorbs sunlight and start making food?
19)which part of the embryo digests the food of the endosperm?
20)which part of the plant grows upward and develops leaves?
21)in order to prepare food, plants require a)sun light b)water c)moon light d)both a) and b)
Ans)both a) and b).
22)the condition necessary for seed germination are a)water b)temperature c)air d)all of these.
Ans)all of these.
23)during seed germination water is required for a)dissolving the food stored in seed b)seed coat to burst c)for micropyle development d)both a) and b).
Ans)both a) and b)
24)most seed germinate at temperature between:
Ans)10c and 35c.
25)which one of the following seeds germinates at 5c for 16 weeks?
Ans)cherry seed.
26)the cells of the embryo get energy by doing:
27)which gas is required for respiration?
28)which structure is found in different no. In maize and bean seed?
Ans) cotyledon
29) the condition necessary for germination  of seeds are
Ans) suitable temperature and water
30) the reason of infection is that germs after entering the body
Ans) cause disease
31) which part of bean seed store food?
Ans) cotyledon
32)which condition is not necessary for seed germination?
Ans) sunlight
33) the process by which seed grows into a new plant is called
Ans) germination
34) a dicot seed has two cotyledons which
Ans) store food
35) embryo of plant is present in the
36) the outer covering of seed is a tough and hard coat. It is called
Ans) testa
37) the plants which have seeds with only one cotyledon  are called
Ans) monocot
38) the plants which have seeds with two cotyledons  are called
Ans) dicots
39)plumule of maize lies in seed towards
Ans) broad end
40) during the germination of maize seed
Ans) cotyledon remains inside the soil
41)three parts of embryo are
Ans) radical, plumule, cotyledon
42)most seeds ggerminate at temperature between
Ans0 10c  to 35c
43) cherry seeds germinate if they are kept for 16 weeks
Ans) at 5c
44)it is necessary for chemical reactions that occur within seeds
Ans) suitable temperature
45)it helps the seed coat to burst
46)these are formed during reproduction
47)a radical is actually a tiny
48)actually a plumule is a tiny
Ans0 shoot
49)radical of maize lies in seeds towards
Ans)pointed end
50) the growth of a new tiny plant from the embryo in the seed is called
Ans)germination of seed
51) in order to prepare food plants need
Ans) sunlight
52)which part of the embryo digest the food of endosperm
Ans) cotyledon

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