Monday 5 May 2014


1: About how many species of animals and plants have been discovered by scientist?
Ans. About 1, 50,000 of animals and 400, 000 of plants.

2: What is meant by classification?
Ans. To sort living things into groups is called classification.
3: What is significance of classification?
Ans. Classification makes the study of living things easier.
4: On what basis classification of living things done?

Ans. Classification is done on the basis of similarities in important ways.
5: Movement is the basic characteristic of living things. What do you understand how does this character help animals?
Ans. Animals move for food.
Animals move to protect themselves from danger.
6: On what basis animals are classified?
Ans. Animals are classified on the basis of back bone.
a)    Vertebrates: with back bone and strong body.
b)    Invertebrates: without back bone and week body.
7: Name sub groups of vertebrates?
Ans. Sub groups of vertebrates are;
a)    Mammals,
b)    Birds.
c)    Reptiles.
d)    Amphibians
e)    Fishes
8: Give main characteristics of mammals 
Ans.  Following are the main characteristics of mammals:
a)    Have hair or fur on their body.
b)    Feed their young one on milk.
c)    Warm blooded.
9: How can we identify birds?
Ans. Birds can be identified as they have;
a)    Two legs and two wings.
b)    Feathers on their body.
c)    Beaks with no teeth.
d)    Lay eggs.
e)    Warm blooded.
10: Birds are recognized by their ability to fly. Do you agree?
Ans. Although birds can fly but there are birds as well those cannot fly. For example hen, penguin, peacock etc. Along with these facts we do observe flying bat but it is in mammals.
11: How will you identify reptiles?
Ans. Reptiles are identified by;
a)    Scales on their body.
b)    Lay eggs.
c)    Cold blooded.
12: How can we identify amphibians?
Ans. Amphibians have following characteristics;
a)    Have thin damped skin.
b)    Young breathe with gills while adults have lungs.
c)    Live both in water and on land.
d)     Cold blooded.
13: Give main features of fishes?
Ans. Fishes have following main features;
a)    Scales on their body.
b)    Fins to help in swimming.
c)    Cold blooded.
14: Describe invertebrates in a few sentences?

Ans. Invertebrates lack internal skeleton and back bone. They have soft and weak body.

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