Thursday 3 April 2014


                   CHILD LABOUR
Wordsworth says:
                      “The child is the father of a man”
Children are our future. Now when they are so important for us, we must realize what we are doing for them. Have we succeeded in providing them the basic necessities of life such as education & health care?

Although the government, NGO’S & other organizations are busy in solving the problem of child labour. Yet nothing seems to have come out of their work.
“Poverty is the main cause of this failure”
The poor parents are forced to push their children into practical life in an early age. Such children face a life of hardship and deprivation.
Children can be seen working everywhere. They work in small hotels, tea stalls as domestic servants, sweeping floors in small industrial workshops, office boys and staff assistants. They are seen cleaning cars parked on roads, polishing shoes, selling goods and many other such odd kind of jobs.
Like boys, little girls are also seen working at homes, washing clothes, furbishing utensils, looking after little children etc.
There are about two million families in Pakistan living in bondage in various sectors.The main sectors in which the children are made to work are the agriculture sector, the brick kiln industry, carpet weaving and domestic service. These children earn money for their families. They are deprived of the joy of childhood. They cannot go to school to get education. Because of continuous working they fall a victim to various diseases.Most of them suffer from malnutrition. The Govt. and non Govt. organizations (NGO’s) should take some steps to tackle with this problem of child labour.
As a critic says that;
                       “Child labour is a curse of society”
So, Govt. should enact a comprehensive law for the reduction of child labour from its very roots. It should create a welfare fund exclusively for the development and welfare of children. It should declare that child labour below fifteen years of age is a criminal offence.
NGO’s must support people’s struggle for justice and emancipation. They should supplement Government’s efforts for the welfare of children. They should work to influence and encourage rich people to donate funds for building hospitals clinics, are purchase of medicines for children.

Child labour is a curse. We must work to get rid of it at all costs.

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