Wednesday 4 June 2014



It is our duty to obey our parents that is to do always what they tell to do. All we have is given to us by our parents, food, cloth, education etc. They tend us when we are too young to anything for ourselves.
They watch over us in times of our sickness, provide for our amusement, teach us about
the basic role of life and tell us about the principles of our religion and guard us from evil influences.
Obedience is a very simple way of showing gratitude for these benefits. It is a way that well within the reach of young infant as well as the full grown person.
Parents are not only the providers of benefits but are the guiders of their children in all the relations of life. There may be some cases where father and mother prove themselves unworthy of their children as their own.
Being adult and having experience they are in the position to form better judgments than their children.
Therefore not only is the duty of child to obey parents but in doing this he is consulting his best interest.
Just as a growing child who would learn to read, must attend to the instructions of his teacher so who wish to grow up into honest and useful man must follow the dictates of their parents.
Our parents are like our pilots. We sail in strange water; our safety depends upon those who are more experienced. i.e. our parents.
There are many examples of disobedient sons and daughters.
In farmer times, in Rome it was considered as a serious crime to disobey parents.
In HOLY QURAN it is said;
                                           “HONOUR THE FATHER AND THY MOTHER,
                                           THAT THY DAYS MAY BE LONG IN THIS LAND
                                          WHICH THY LORD, THEY GOD GIVETH THESE”.
Disobedience is one of the greatest cruelaties a child can inflicit upon a parent. It is a crime which brings its own punishment. We should always obey our parents if we want success in both of the world’s.

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